EKOJET is organization operating in the sphere of environment protection and management. Its activities are focused on assessing the impact of various activities on the environment (EIA), evaluating development plans for the environment (SEA), ecological management systems in companies and environmental audit (EMS, ISO 14 000) in connection with the quality control systems (ISO 9000), and ecological development plans for the land, parks and other green areas. The primary goal is to effectively support quick implementation of ecological processes into everyday economic activities using the results of co-operation with domestic and foreign partners in agreement with valid legislation on environmental protection as well as principles of permanent sustainability of development in Slovakia.

The activities of EKOJET comprise the following :

I. Environment Impact Assessment
II. Assessment of State of the Environment
III. Monitoring and GIS
IV. Ecological planning of land development
V.  Designs of parks and green areas 
VI. Public relations

I.     Environment Impact Assessment 

     - consultation on or solution to partial ecological problems in processes of EIA and SEA,  
     - defining multi-criterial evaluation of alternatives and recommendation of the optimal solution,  
     - detailed assessment of impact of development programs on the environment in accordance with the Law of the National 
       Council of the Slovak Republic No. 127/1994 Coll., par. 35.,  
     - arrangement of the process of gathering comments on and public hearing of an assessment report for investors  
     - detailed assessment of impact of activities on the environment in accordance with the Law of the National Council of 
       the Slovak Republic No. 127/1994 Coll.,  
     - design a monitoring programs, arrange its fulfillment and final evaluation by experts 
The management of the organization consists of experts authorized to assess the impact of activities on the environment as required by Law No. 127/94 Coll., par. 42, in the fields of energetic constructions, constructions for waste treatment, military buildings, telecommunication, forestry and water economy, industry, sport constructions, agriculture and ecology. 

II.     Assessment of State of the Environment 

       Consulting in the field of creating systems of environmental management (SEM) and preparing those for certification by inspection institution RWTÜV AT GmbH Essen in the following fields:  

                  -  creating systems of environmental management,  

                  - conducting practical steps and consulting creation of the systems as well as their preparation for certification,  

     - applying standards EN ISO 14 000 and BS 7750 in consultancy activities, Certificate RWTÜV, 
       registration no. PORSEM 04/96.  
     - issuing complete environmental verification audit reports as attachments to documents necessary in cases 
       of ownership changes or privatization projects in accordance with Law No. 92/92 Coll., par. 6a,
     - safety and risk assessment and their management in the following stages: risk assessment, (identification of threats,
       assessment of pollution spread, risk assessment related to human health,  risk assessment in relation to ecological
       systems), recommendation of desired end parameters.

Risk analysis is used for solving situations involving loads on the environment:  

     - ecological load assessment and decisions that measures should be taken,  
     - selection of an optimal measure alternative,  
     - identifying desired end parameters of the measure,
     - effectiveness evaluation of the measure implemented or of its stages,  
     - proposal to enter a record of remaining ecological load into the cadastre register.  
Ekojet Ltd. is a consultant to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the field of environmental audit, EIA, public relations and environmental consultancy on financial issues, Certificate EBRD 1993.

European Bank for Reconstruction and Developement


III.     Monitoring and GIS

     - arranging of monitoring all aspects of the environment as well as processing and evaluation of the results from monitoring,  
     - working with air and satellite photographs, designing digital maps, designing GIS and complex environmental information

IV.     Ecological planning of land development 

       There has been adopted a principle that any documentation on land planning should consider the aspects of town planning and technical facilities as well as natural conditions and land ecology. For you to be able better prepare land development plans, revitalization programs, ecological programs for towns and villages or other economic activities in the country we offer to help with documentation on:  

     - local land systems of ecological stability complemented with proposed ecostabilization measures,  
     - assessment of ecological load on the land,  
     - designs of landscape, municipal parks and other green areas,  
     - co-operation in ecological assessment for the Program of village revitalization.

V.    Designs of parks and green areas


     - designing of green areas - greenery around blocks of flats, family house and villa gardens, parks, reconstruction 
       of historic gardens,
     - green information systems - including monitoring of greenery, maintenance and accounting management.

VI.   Public relations 


       Inseparable part of a successful organization's image is its positive co-operation with the public on local, regional and international levels. We can prepare for you a program of co-operation with the public, take care of its implementation and evaluation.  
     - public relations – relation between a company and public opinion, activities in the scope of operation 
       of a PR department,   press conferences, public meetings,  
     - public opinion surveys, organization of workshops, conferences and public meetings (chairing, preparation of slides, 
       colored transparencies, making films, writing articles for media),  
     - design of presentation materials.  
JAX      http://www.cepjax.org/pr2.htm 

If you are interested to learn about our activities more, we will be glad to send you more information about our activities as well as a brief account of projects.

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